Friday, April 3, 2009

Thing 22: Staying Current

NEFLIN's 23 Things has been a lot of fun. There were "Things" I was already familiar with and "Things" that were completely new to me but I come away from this experience with a craving for more. With that said, I vow to continue exploring more Web 2.0 opportunities.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thing 21: Student 2.0 Tools

Where was this when I was going to school? I am a huge procrastinator. I have convinced myself over the years that I do my best work when I am under pressure and have a deadline to meet. But I also like to be organized and not stress myself out. This is an amazing tool to help you manage your assignments and plan your research. I'm not sure how the public library could promote the use of this tool, but I hope the media specialists would. It should definitely be linked to our teen pages.

Thing 20: Books 2.0

Wow....and I thought some of the other "Things" were long. This one takes the cake! So I'm gonna have to keep this one short and simple because I just don't have the time to look through all the links posted for the Thing. In my library I have noticed over the years that movies have become a hugely circulating item....but so have audio books. I think that as society has become more busy trying to save time, they have just found other avenues (such as audio books) in which to escape. People who were read to as children most likely still read today. If you have never been a reader, then you appreciate the fact that the library offers dvd check-outs for free. At least we get them in the door!

Thing 19: Other Social Networks

Are you a member of any online communities?
I have been a member of GoodReads for some time now. I find that's it's a great way to keep track of all the books I have read or would like to read inthe future. I can also search through shelves of other people that read the same types of books that I read and get updates when they write a review. I have also used WebJunction to search and find technology training for library staff. I also became a member of Library 2.0 through Ning.

Are any of these social networks appealing to you? I spent a few minutes looking through the Gather site and think I would like to come back and check it out more when I have more time.

What did you find that was interesting and that you might use later? Probably Gather but I will have to spend more time checking out the site.

Thing 18: Facebook

FINALLY! We have hit a "Thing" that I absolutely love. I became a member of Facebook just last October after returning from my 20 year high school reunion. Signing up was easy and before I knew it I was connecting with old friends again back in my home town of Houston, TX. And just like anyone else who uses Facebook, I am addicted. I love it...absolutley love it. I talk to old friends now on a daily basis and have even learned how to keep my social friends seperate from my professional friends.

Just a short week ago the library was given permission to create our own presence on Facebook. I have learned even more through this experience and can't wait to get our page up and running!

P.S. You may have noticed I didn't add MySpace to the Thing 18 title......I'm not a fan. I find Facebook to be a lot more user friendly and secure.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thing 17: Podcasts

It was very convenient that I had a Podcasting Webinar the same week as Thing 17. I learned all about the different equipment you can use and the various ways you can promote your library. My boss had asked me to "study-up" on the topic because she would like to see podcasts for book reviews, upcoming programs, and other fun things made available to our public. I don't know if I have learned enough about it yet to jump right in and start writing my first script, but I am getting more comfortable witht he idea (especially now that my library has made its first YouTube video!).

Thing 16: YouTube

Why did you choose the video that you did? I absolutely L.O.V.E. Amy Winfrey so I thought I would share her work with everyone else.

Can you see any ways to use video--YouTube or other sites--on your library Web site? We already use YouTube on our library website. It's great for posting upcoming movies based on books that our library system owns. This helps increase the circulation of titles that may not have been checked out in a while.

Thing 15: Rollyo

Can you see a potential use for Rollyo in your library?
I can definitely see the potential for Children's and Reference Librarians using Rollyo. What a great way to find new resources and share those resources with others.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thing 14: Online Productivity Tools

Which start page did you choose? Why did that one appeal to you?
I have had 3 start pages for years: iGoogle, My Yahoo!, & My MSN. Of the 3, I use My Yahoo! because I have instant access to the email I use the most. However, I actually prefer the features and gadgets on iGoogle more even though I never use it.

Did you find a tool that has some uses for you at the library or at home?
Not at the moment.

How can the online calendars be useful to you? What about the to-do lists—helpful, too much work…?
Currently I have no use for these "time-saving" productivity tools but as life changes I will keep them in mind and keep up witht he lastest technologies because you never know when someone will ask you a question about them!

Thing 13: Library Thing

I took the Library Thing tour and created (yet another) account. I groaned over the idea of having to input ALL my books from my GoodReads account into Library Thing but found that this was not as difficult or time consuming as I imagined it would be. I was able to export my GoodReads list to a file then import that list into Library Thing.

I have to say though....I prefer GoodReads. Library Thing can be a little overwhelming for someone who is new to keeping a record of all the books they have read, are currently reading, or would like to read in the future. GoodReads has a simple format that just feels more user-friendly to me and I think I will just stick with it.

I have heard talk about Library Thing being integrated into SJCPLS. I can see how this would be a valuable tool for a library system - allowing readers to post book reviews, form clubs, and suggest books for others.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thing 12: Wikis

What did you find interesting about the wiki concept?
I think wikis are fantastic. They are a great way to collaborate on projects without everyone having to take the time out of their busy schedule to meet. People can add ideas and suggestions, make changes and communicate whenever they have a few minutes free rather than having to schedule time into their busy day.

What types of applications within libraries and schools might work well with a wiki?
In my library system I know that each of the committees (Reference, Childrens, Circulation, Bookmobile, etc.) all have wikis for various reasons.

Which wiki did you edit?
Neflin's 23 Things wiki

Thing 11: Social Media

How do you think you can use these tools in your library or at home?
The whole "social media sites that allow users to nominate and then “vote” for news and other items they find interesting" is just NOT for me. After perusing through Digg, Reddit, Newsvine, and Mixx I came to the conclusion that even though I like to keep up with the latest trends in technology...this one just isn't for me.

Do these tools seem to be a productivity enhancer or a productivity detractor?
Definitely a productivity detractor in my book. I barely have time to watch the news and keep up with the news feeds I subscribe to....much less have time to read, vote & recommend news stories to others.

Thing 10: Tagging & Delicious

Can you see the potential of this tool for research assistance? Or just as an easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed from anywhere?
I don't personally use (or have a need) for Delicious right now, but as a former reference person I can see how this tool could be quite useful to Reference Librarians. Having all your reference resources organized and in one place not only saves time but it allows you to share your research knowledge with others (and their knowledge with you) through tagging.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thing 9: Sharing - slides, photos, databases

I came across this while searching different sites to complete Thing 9 and thought I would share it (after all...isn't sharing what Web 2.0 is all about???).

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thing 8: Communication - Web 2.0 Style

1. Instant Messaging - I'm a big fan of instant messaging and have been using it for years in different formats. My YahooMail account has a "chat" feature that allows you to skip sending emails back & forth and chat directly from email (if that person is logged in) or you can download Yahoo Messenger and chat without being in your email. I can also "chat" on my Facebook page to any of my friends that are online when I am. I have also used the "chat" feature that many websites offer for their Tech Support which beats waiting on hold for an operator and usually is sufficient in solving any tech problem I may have.

2. Text Messaging - I am definitely lacking in texting skills. While I can see the benefits of text messaging, I have to say that it takes me longer to text a message than to dial a number and just tell the other person what I need to say. I wasn't born with the texting gene that generations younger than me were born with but I'm learning. Having teenage daughters helps! LOL (that's text chat for "laugh out loud").

3. Web Conferencing - I have attended many webinars and think this tool is absolutely essential in today's workplace. Talk about a time saver! You can attend a training session right at your desk and don't have to waste an hour or more driving to the training session. I have also attended the OPAL training that NEFLIN provided so that I could learn to use this tool for my own training sessions. I believe we will see a lot more web conferencing in the future.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thing 7: Image Generators - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Wow.....this was too easy! I went to the ImageChef site and selected the image I wanted to use, typed in the info I wanted to display, previewed my image, then I was given the option to post the image somewhere. Posting to Blogger was one of the options so all I had to do was enter my Blogger information and the title of the post - ImageChef transferred the code and posted it for me. I think I'll go play with some other image generators!

Thing 6: Flickr Mashups

letter T h-ca2 Wooden Tile I S

Pewter Ransom Font I S

F U N 01-11-07_1655

I am totally addicted to mashups! It took me a little time to figure out where to put the html code so that the images would show up in my post but once I did it I ran around like a little kid wanting everyone to see what I had done. It's been a while since I have worked with html so Nicole had to remind me how to separate my words with line breaks but I did it (correctly) and now I'm trying to think of all the places we can use this "Thing" on the library's web page. This really is fun!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thing 5: Flickr

How might you use Flickr in your library?
This is not my first experience with Flickr. A few months ago I went around to all the branches and took photos so that library patrons could "tour" the branches from our website. Flickr was pretty easy to use as far as uploading pictures, tagging, making sets, and organizing the sets so that the tour started when you drove up to each branch. I have added a slideshow to this blog that displays the St. Johns County library tours. I also added a Flickr badge to this page with photos that have been taken of me during my time here in St. Johns County Public Library System.

Do you use Flickr or another photo hosting service? Which one? How does it compare to Flickr?
Flickr is the only one I have tried and since its so easy to use and manage I haven't really found a need to look elsewhere.

How do you feel about having your photos public (note that you can mark your Flickr photos private, too)--any concerns?
I think having the option to make your photos public or private is fantastic. This allows me to keep photos of my children private and only accessible to those I choose to share them with or publicly share photos of library events, vacations, or anything else I want to visually enlighten the world with!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thing 4: RSS and Newsreaders

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
To me, RSS is like the creation of Wal-Mart. It just makes life simpler having everything you need in one place. No more spending hours searching through all your favorite websites to get the latest news - it's delivered to you. And if the information or site you have subscribed to no longer interests you....unsubscribe. This is great!

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your library or personal life?
I believe the better question here is "How could you NOT use it?" There are certain authors I like to keep up with and various news websites I visit on a fairly regular basis but sometimes I just don't have the time to check for the latest updates on book/movie release details or the latest news and RSS feeds deliver all the information I want to one location so that I can scan through the headlines. Did I mention how great this is?

Which tool for finding feeds was easiest to use?
Since I already had a Google account I went ahead and used Google Reader to subscribe to my feeds. This was extremely easy to do and I can access them from my blog page (too cool!). I can also add new subscriptions by clicking on the "Add a Subscription" button and pasting the URL in.
What other tools or ways did you find to locate newsfeeds?
I'm sure as I play with this more I will find more efficient ways of locating newsfeeds and subscribing to them. I'll keep you posted!

Thing 3: Blog Search Tools

I have never quite understood all the "hype" over blogging but as I started using the blog search tools I was absolutely amazed at all the information I was able to find on just about any topic you can think of. What a great way to share knowledge and information!

I compared Technorati, Sphere, IceRocket, Bloglines and Blogpulse and found that some blog search tools are definitely easier to use than others. Depending on the type of information you are looking for (the latest news, how to cook a chicken, whatever...), you may need to use different blog search engines in order to find the information you want and a blogger that you enjoy reading and would like to follow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thing 2: What is Web 2.0

.......and Why Should I Care?

Searching through various websites, blogs and articles on Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 I came across an article written a couple of years ago in Library Journal that seemed to answer this question for me and hopefully will help explain it to the skeptics out there in library land that can't understand why a library would need to incorporate this type of technology.

"While not required, technology can help libraries create a customer-driven, 2.0 environment. Web 2.0 technologies have played a significant role in our ability to keep up with the changing needs of library users. Technological advances in the past several years have enabled libraries to create new services that before were not possible, such as virtual reference, personalized OPAC interfaces, or downloadable media that library customers can use in the comfort of their own homes. This increase in available technologies gives libraries the ability to offer improved, customer-driven service opportunities." (Library Journal, 2006)

To read the entire article go to

Web 2.0 has changed how we understand and relate to information profoundly and permanently. We can’t close our eyes or ignore the technology and think that libraries will remain unaffected by it. Rather, it presents us with the opportunity to reach non-library users on their turf (or PC). This technology should be the moving force for us to reevaluate how we do business in what is certain to be a dramatically different information landscape.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing 1: Set-up a Blog

Welcome to my blog. This blog page has been set up as part of the 23 Things @ NEFLIN Program and will be used to record my progress and accomplishments along the way to 2.0 enlightenment.

The first "thing" in the 23 Things is to set up a blog page and even though I was hesitant about doing this because I'm not normaly one with much to say, I actually enjoyed the set-up process. This website is extremely user friendly and gives you lots of display options. I think I'm going to enjoy this learning experience.

Blog you all later!